Article Types

We publish several categories of articles, in particular:

  • theoretical articles,
  • review articles
  • original research reports (including replication studies). and
  • commentaries.

To decide whether or not to submit a manuscript for consideration, please familiarize yourself with these article-types (see below) and our peer-review process and desk-rejection criteria.

Theoretical Articles

Theoretical Articles  criticize or develop and advance a particular theoretical perspective. Ideally, manuscripts in this category contribute to theoretical integration, by considering and critically evaluating already existing theoretical perspectives on the question of interest. Theoretical articles that question dominant assumptions and approaches, and stimulate critical debate are especially welcomed.

Review Articles

Review Articles integrate and evaluate the empirical literature on a particular phenomenon. Manuscripts in this category aim to structure and organize the literature through theoretically relevant categories, provide an overview and critical assessment of the "state of the art" in the particular area, and identify important avenues for future research that go beyond dominant assumptions and approaches.

Original Research Reports

Original Research Reports report on an empirical study or a series of empirical studies, using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. Manuscripts that report on (successful or unsuccessful) replications of previous empirical findings are also welcomed. Please note that we only accept manuscripts reporting single studies for qualitative work, or quantitative studies that either use representative samples or report data from so-called hard to reach, underrepresented populations. This and other criteria we use to review manuscripts and that need to be met so that a manuscript is given into review are detailed on our peer-review page.


Commentaries respond to articles that have been accepted for publication, or comment on current issues relevant to the journal's profile. Commentaries are an integral part of journals's ambition to provide a forum for innovation, questioning of dominant assumptions and approaches, and critical debate. Commentaries should be concise and specific in their contribution. They can provide theoretical, methodological, or empirically based critiques or elaborations; offer alternative perspectives; embed an article that is discussed in a broader context; point to interdisciplinary links; or discuss ethical issues and implications for practical applications towards reducing social and political problems and promoting social justice.