Forthcoming Articles

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  • Will Outgroup Members Satisfy My Need for Autonomy? The Role of Need Expectations in Outgroup Attitudes
    Netta Weinstein, Lukas Wolf, Lisa Legault, Şükrü Atsizelti, Nicole Legate
  • Neoliberalism and Pandemics: A Cultural Psychological Perspective
    Tyler Jimenez, Harrison J. Schmitt
  • A Political Psychology of Covid-19 Vaccines in the Philippines: Multilayered Understandings of Pfizer and Sinovac Vaccines
    Ed Joseph Bulilan, Cristina J Montiel, Joshua Uyheng
  • Slicing the Gordian Knot of political extremism: a proposal for a clear, consensual conceptualization and terminology.
    Marcos Dono, Mónica Alzate, Jose Manuel Sabucedo